warghhhh ~~~ * menggeliat.
erk? burok benor perangai anak dara sorang nii..
okey, as we all know, this week is convocation week for usms'
i don't know about other universities laa..
i just know bout my uni because i'm not that 'rajin' enough to take care of others. hohoho.
what am i talking about? why am i using this broken2 english?
speaking laa because my feveret lecturer never speak malay u kno.
u know what's my lecturer's name?
doctor okey, doctor. if the doctor at the front of his name, ofkos he's taken his phD right?
okey, i know, other lecturers also got the doctor, prof at the front.
but the special case is.. he's just in his 20's u know ! not 30's yet ! and his already got the title? and i mean, rare kan for a malay, guy, phd? in usm.. again. in usm. i know there are a lot of successful guyss out there. i know. but this one is really different lah.
a lot of the students, i mean my coursemate were 'gila' at him.. no one skip the class ! siap dapat extra students lagi sbb ada student dr course laen yg datang join kelas kami semata-mata nak usha my lecturer??? girlssssss ~~~ always excited like that when they see the handsome2 people.. dah ada phD, single.. engish macam angin.. *mata bersinar-sinar*
disebabkan ramai sangat yg minat kat lecturer nihh.. so i pown just sit at the back for every lecture because the chairs in front were already fully booked. serius over budak2 niii.. ke i yg over menaip? hahhaha.. watever lah kan.. but i'm very sure that i will see him for every things yg i xfahamm.. sebab he's really open n sempoiiiii...
actually tadi kita cakap pasai convo kan?
so, mggu nii mosttttt of the classes had been cancelled.
and im very borink right now,
nak keluar pown, bas usm tadak.. bas semua retired sbb masa convo, jalan jammed !!
so we have to walk..
bukan dekat wehhh.. baek dok kat bilik sampai muak ngadap laptop.
nak keluar pown, bas usm tadak.. bas semua retired sbb masa convo, jalan jammed !!
so we have to walk..
bukan dekat wehhh.. baek dok kat bilik sampai muak ngadap laptop.
thats why i update my blog. ngehehee
just telling u guys, yg before kitorang *'kitorang kau. kl sgt !* masuk uni masing2 balik..
we have a dinner together yg ntah bila lagi akan ada moment mcm nii..
kalau pnjang umur, next year lah kot?
so walaupun sgt kesuntukan masa, kami cuba berikan de best shot ! insyaAllah..
here's some pictures.. taken by me !! yeah ! that's the point.
daging masak merah.. yummy ! |
telur dadar pown kena snap jugakk. nnt kecik hati dyaaa.. |
kangkung belacan kan? ntah laa.. order sbb ada dlm set tuu.. sebagai pghias meja. hahaha... sorang pown tak mkn kot? ops.. |
siakap tiga rasa. mmg terbaekkk !!! |
tomyammm ~ my feveretttttt ~ tp xsmpat mkn sgt sbb dah kenyang....... |
sedap laa jugak mkn kat tempat nii.. plus, kami semua mmg tgh lapar. so? mmg licin laaa.. set nii mmg untuk 4 orang makan.. kiranya mcm comel2 laa sbb kami pown 4 orang je ye dak? dan yg paling pentingggg... harga sangat berpatutann !! rm 50 ja satu set nii utk semua menu di atas dan termasuk lah air orennn ! erk, sory laa gmbar air oren tada.. over lah kan kalo smpai air oren pown nk amek gmbar? ohh btw, kami makan kat arau.. lupa plak nk bgtaw tempat td. hihiks !
lepas penat mengunyah, perut pown kenyang, kami decide nk gi snap2 picturesss dulu.. syarat tmpat yg nk pegi haruslah ada lampu bnyak2 ! ingat kat perlis nii takda tmpat menarik? pleasee laaa.. bnyak okey, cuma kami yg taktahu nk pegi mana dulu. come on perlis.. hahaha
fify, adlin,masitah. |
i'm in the middle and i do love blur picture. muehehehe |
![]() |
and lastly, noney at new zealand, praying that u'r fine and success there insyaAllah.. |
we're all five together. hope this relationship till jannah.. bukan kahwin ja nak ke jannah kan.. heeee ~ insyaAllah.
cukup lah sikit2 kan... ni ja laa antara gmbar yg smpat amek sbb kami suma status belum berkahwin, JADI, sifat takut utk berada lama2 di luar pada waktu malam agak tggi. ditambah pula dengan value kewanitaan yg ada, purse sorang sebijik, camera sorang sebijik, i phone sorang sebijik kami pegang kat tgn, *over saja part iphone tuu* n kereta 2 bijik yg harus kami jaga... jadi semuanya agak kurang sistematik dan kalut.. cewahh. mcm drama kan? yeahh.. cuma bezanya drama slalu ada konflik. dan kami xda elemen2 tersebut.
thanks for dropping by and spent ur tyme ! =)
till then, wasalam.